Free Webinar: Essential Law School Skills
- Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι - Ακαδημαϊκά Θέματα
This program is an extension of the work that our trainers have been doing since 2013 through our law degree tutoring/lecturing and law school admissions consulting programs. It is specifically designed for incoming law students who want a head start on building key law school skills such as reading and briefing cases, creating course outlines and preparing for and taking law school examinations.
This program is designed to give incoming law students a head start on core law school skills and first-year coursework. By starting law school with a basic set of essential tools and a better understanding of classroom expectations, our program helps to alleviate much of the stress and frustration first year law students often experience.
By being more prepared for their first year of law school, students who take part in our program are able to make an easier transition to law school and achieve better first-year grades. These grades are the single most important factor for eventual placement in both internships and full-time positions with law firms, public interest organizations and government agencies.
First-year grades set the tone and trajectory for a successful legal career. They are also the most important factor evaluated by admissions committees when students seek to transfer after their first year of law school or when applying for internships, placements and or work experience.
If you are going to take advantage of this program, we suggest that you do so during the spring or summer prior to your first year of law school. We also offer it to current law students who want to improve their academic performance.
In addition, we offer law school subject tutoring to current law students who are seeking to perform at a higher level in certain courses (please call us for more information).
The course content is designed to impart a strategy and approach to law school that maximizes students' ability to succeed and puts them ahead of the curve from the first day.
1: Introduction to law and the legal system
1 Introduction to law and the legal system.
1.1 What is law?
1.2 What is law for?
1.3 What is the English legal system?
1.4 Classification of law
1.5 What is legal method?
2: Sources of law
2.2. Parliament and statutes
2.3. The courts and common law or ‘judge-made law.
2.4. European Union law
2.5. European Convention on Human Rights
2.6. Sources of law: the comparative context
2.7. The impact of further international law.
2.8. Law reform
3: Legal Method
3.1. The Doctrine of Judicial Precedent
3.2. Judges as law makers
3.3. Vertical and horizontal precedent judicial precedent in practice
4: Legal Skills
4.1. Finding and citing sources of law
4.2. Law reports
4.3. reading cases and statutes
5: Legal Writing - How to Impress At Law School
5.1. What are law schools looking for – how to get the best grades.
5.2.Tuition on how to succeed when asked to tackle Law Essays and Problem Questions at university.
5.3. Advocacy Skills – forming an argument and critical analysis.
5.4. Presentation and structure for law essays and exams (practical issues to keep in mind).
5.5. Strategy for answering law school essays and problem questions.
5.6. Advice on what you should be doing from the first day of law school to succeed.
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Δωρεάν Σεμινάριο
Τετάρτη - 28 Σεπ 2022
10:00 - 13:00
Ανδρούλλα ΠουτζιουρήΤοποθεσία:
OnLine Virtual Classroom