Certificate: Trusts in Cyprus - Law, Practice, and Management

- Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

19 Μαΐου 2025 16:00 26 Ιουν 2025 18:00 OnLine Virtual Classroom
20 ώρες ( 10 μέρες )
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Certificate: Trusts in Cyprus - Law, Practice, and Management


This comprehensive course on Trusts in Cyprus is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and practical skills necessary for effective trust management.

Focused on Cyprus law and international applications, the course covers foundational principles and advanced topics, ensuring participants can proficiently advise clients, manage trusts, and navigate the legal complexities of trust administration. Through a structured curriculum and practical exercises, participants will develop expertise in trust establishment, management, and risk mitigation strategies.

Engage in hands-on activities that provide real-world insights into trust management. Gain a deep understanding of the Cyprus legal framework, trust types, and the intricacies of managing both local and international trusts.

This course is essential for lawyers, legal advisors, corporate administrators, fiduciary service providers, auditors, accountants, compliance officers, and trustees aiming to enhance their expertise in trust management. Gain the knowledge and skills to draft and manage trusts to tailor services to clients, without having to rely on templates.

The course is taught by a lecturer with over 10 years of experience in teaching trusts law at university level and practical hands-on experience with trusts in Cyprus under the auspices of Cyprus law.

Equip yourself with the skills to provide comprehensive, tailored advice and effectively manage trusts in Cyprus and beyond.


Some of what you will learn on this course:

  • Explore the rich history and evolution of trusts.
  • Understand the Cyprus legal framework and its unique advantages.
  • Master the roles of settlors, trustees, and beneficiaries.
  • Discover the various types of trusts – Bare trusts, discretionary, fixed, charitable and asset protection
  • Learn how to set up a valid trust both local and international
  • Learn how to draft a trust deed (deep dive into trust provisions and the interplay with legislation and common law).
  • Understand fully the fiduciary duties of trustees.
  • Learn how to appoint, remove, and resign as a trustee
  • Learn how to navigate the differences between fixed and discretionary powers.
  • Learn the regulatory framework surrounding investment decisions.
  • Learn how to draft exemption clauses and indemnification agreements.
  • Prepare for and manage court interventions
  • Administer trusts with both dispositive and administrative powers.


This course is aimed towards:

  • Lawyers
  • Legal Advisors
  • Corporate administrators
  • Fiduciary Service Providers
  • Auditors
  • Accountants
  • Compliance Officers
  • Trustees



UNIT 1: Introduction to Trusts
  1. Overview of the historical origins of trusts – common law and equity
  2. The evolution of the trust from simple arrangements to complex legal structures
  3. Defining a trust – differentiating between the settlor, trustee, and beneficiary
  4. Setting up a valid trust – the criteria
  5. Cyprus Legal Framework
  6. Types of trusts and their characteristics
  7. The process of setting up a trust - including the drafting of trust deeds and the selection of trustees and beneficiaries
  8. Group discussion on circumstances appropriate to set up a trust.
UNIT 2: Types of Trusts
  1. Overview of various types of trusts
  2. Bare Trusts
  3. Discretionary,
  4. Fixed trusts
  5. Charitable trusts
  6. Asset protection
  7. Local Trusts
  8. International Trusts
  9. Choosing the right trust – guidance for assessing client needs, objectives, and the tax implications
  10. The importance of understanding the client’s family structure and long-term goals.
  11. Understanding and advising on the most appropriate trust for clients
  12. Quiz on types of trusts.
UNIT 3: Advantages for setting up a trust – guiding the client
  1. Exploration of the advantages of using trusts
  2. Using trusts in estate planning
  3. Case studies
  4. Use of trusts incorporate structures
  5. Analysis of trusts in international financial planning and addressing cross- border legal and tax implications
  6. Discussion of the challenges and opportunities presented by modern trusts – including digital assets and the impact of evolving legislation.
UNIT 4:Setting up a trust
  1. Critical considerations involved in choosing the appropriate jurisdiction for setting up a trust.
  2. Comparative analysis of trust jurisdictions
  3. Setting up a trust - step-by-step guide and breakdown of documentation requirements for setting up a trust – Local trust
  4. Setting up a trust - step-by-step guide and breakdown of documentation requirements for setting up a trust international trust.
  5. Drafting the trust deed – what types of clauses can we incorporate- review of templates and spotting what is wrong with them.
  6. Practical case law and scenarios and choosing the correct clauses to include
  7. Legal and regulatory compliance – registration, etc.
UNIT 5: The Role and Responsibilities of Trustees
  1. The fundamental role of trustees in trust management – Fiduciary duties, the law, and the trust deed.
  2. Trustee appointment and formalities
  3. Duty of care and standard of care – differentiation according to various trustee decisions and actions
  4. Removal of trustees by various actors - law and formalities
  5. Resignation of trustees – formalities and handover to the successor trustee
  6. Appointment, removal, and powers of trustees
  7. Review of documentation concerning the management of the trust as an example
UNIT 6: Trustee Powers
  1. Discretionary and fixed powers
  2. Statutory basis of trustee powers
  3. The Powers of investment, legal framework, investment decisions, diversification portfolio management, and risk management.
  4. Power to delegate and appoint agents – legal framework, decision to use agents, and oversight and responsibility.
  5. Individual consideration of a scenario and then group discussion of thoughts.
UNIT 7: Liability and risk mitigation of trustees
  1. Analysis and case studies of the liability of trustees.
  2. When can you get into trouble?
  3. Establishing a breach and available defenses.
  4. Trustee exemption clauses
  5. Indemnification?
  6. Strategies to mitigate risk.
  7. Practical case study and Group discussion to cement knowledge.
UNIT 8: Beneficiaries and Trust Administration
  1. Overview of the position and rights of beneficiaries within the trust framework
  2. Legal principles underpinning beneficiaries' rights, drawing from statutory provisions and common law precedents.
  3. Beneficiaries right to information
  4. The role of the protector in trust structures
  5. Analysis of the legal status of the protector
  6. Navigating changes in beneficiary circumstances.
UNIT 9: Legal Intervention and the Role of the Court
  1. Overview of the reasons for and the nature of court interventions in trusts
  2. Examination of the powers courts hold concerning trusts
  3. The court's authority to intervene – when is it engaged?
  4. Step-by-step guide on the procedural requirements for filing applications with the court
  5. Necessary documentation and evidentiary support needed for court applications
  6. Individual consideration of a scenario and then group discussion of thoughts.
UNIT 10: Advanced Applications of Trusts
  1. Administering a trust with dispositive and/or administrative powers for a protector
  2. Implementing estate plans through trusts, especially in forced heirship jurisdictions
  3. Asset protection trusts and their structuring
  4. Understanding and administering purpose trusts and foundations
  5. Individual quiz.
  6. Quiz feedback
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Ανδρούλλα Πουτζιουρή - Founder | Director | Lecturer at ELTC
Mrs. Androulla Poutziouri is a qualified Advocate and a Member of the Cyprus Bar Association. Mrs. Poutziouri obtained a double LLB Law degree in English and French Law from Paris II Panthéon-Assas University and the University of Birmingham. She then proceeded to obtain an LLM Degree in International Legal Practice from the University of Law in the UK. Mrs. Poutziouri successfully completed the Cyprus Bar Examinations and was admitted as an Advocate (δικηγόρος) of the Cyprus Bar Association in ...
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 550.00
  • € 400.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 150.00
  • € 150.00

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 550.00
  • € 250.00
  • € 57.00
  • € 300.00
  • € 357.00

Κοστολογικές Πληροφορίες

Our training center offers special prices for individuals who are not eligible for funding. Unemployed participants are eligible for HRDA funding provided they meet certain requirements.


Δευτέρα - 19 Μαΐου 2025


16:00 - 18:00


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Πέμπτη - 22 Μαΐου 2025


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Δευτέρα - 26 Μαΐου 2025


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Πέμπτη - 29 Μαΐου 2025


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Δευτέρα - 02 Ιουν 2025


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Πέμπτη - 05 Ιουν 2025


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Πέμπτη - 12 Ιουν 2025


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Πέμπτη - 19 Ιουν 2025


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Δευτέρα - 23 Ιουν 2025


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Πέμπτη - 26 Ιουν 2025


16:00 - 18:00


Ανδρούλλα Πουτζιουρή


OnLine Virtual Classroom

Εκδήλωση Ενδιαφέροντος : Certificate: Trusts in Cyprus - Law, Practice, and Management

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