Preliminary Rulings Under Article 267 TFEU – Using It and Applying it in Cyprus

- Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

22 Μαΐου 2023 17:00 30 Μαΐου 2023 19:00 OnLine Virtual Classroom
8 ώρες ( 4 μέρες )
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Preliminary Rulings Under Article 267 TFEU – Using It and Applying it in Cyprus


The seminar is an online course, funded by the HRDA and offers 8 verified CPD points by the Cyprus Bar Association.  By the end of the seminar, participants will be able to:

Aims of the seminar:

  1. To understand and explain article 267 TFEU
  2. To understand and explain article 267 TFEU contents
  3. To understand why article 267 TFEU and its procedures are important
  4. Be able to use the preliminary referencing procedures
  5. To develop practical skills in order to use preliminary referencing in the European Union Court
  6. To develop practical skills in order to use preliminary referencing in Cyprus Courts


Why this seminar is important for you?

  • The participants of the seminar will gain knowledge relevant to Article 267 TFEU and preliminary rulings
  • They will develop knowledge and practical skills to ensure that an EU law has the same meaning in the Member states.
  • They will develop practical skills regarding the procedures used in cases where the interpretation or the validity of an EU law is in question
  • Participants will learn the obligations of the member states and national courts in the context of the referral process and how it affects the right to effective judicial protection.
  • Practical advice will be given on the referral process and appearing before the court.


  • Lawyers
  • Advocates
  • Trainee lawyers
  • Corporate administrators
  • Other professional and or paralegal.


Course Content

UNIT 1: What does article 267 TFEU provide. 

  • Introduction of the course and explanation
  • Trainer introduction
  • Student introduction
  • Explanation of article 267 TFEU and its contents 
  • Why is the use of the preliminary referencing procedures important 
  • Case study examples from the European Union and Cyprus 
  • Purpose of preliminary referencing and function of preliminary referencing according to EU institutions and ECJ 
  • The procedure set out in Cyprus law and EU law for preliminary referencing 
  • Case studies and practical exercises.

UNIT 2: Jurisdiction of the ECJ in preliminary referencing procedure. 

  • Explanation of jurisdiction of the ECJ 
  • ECJ Case law regarding ECJ jurisdiction 
  • Cyprus case law on jurisdiction issues. 
  • Case studies 
  • Practical exercises. 
  • Explanation of when ECJ can exclude its own jurisdiction 
  • Relevant ECJ case law 
  • Case studies and practical exercises.

UNIT 3: When can a national court request a preliminary ruling 

  • According to ECJ cases, EU cases and use in other jurisdictions 
  • Important cases where preliminary reference guidelines have been developed 
  • How these cases have been applied 
  • Explain when Cyprus national courts must apply for a reference 
  • Doctrine of Acte Claire using case law 
  • The application of doctrine of Acte Claire in Cyprus 
  • When Cyprus courts have discretion 
  • How has this discretion been applied in Cyprus 
  • Case studies

UNIT 4: Arguing the need for preliminary reference in your case before court. 

  • Practical advice on requesting a preliminary reference 
  • Advice on how to structure an application and arguments 
  • Case studies 
  • Practical exercises 
  • Group discussion
  •  how to apply in Cyprus 
  • Group Quiz

Course Methodology

Live distance learning via Zoom. This method enables the instructor to continuously assess the receptivity of the trainees and to be constantly updated accordingly. During the training, appropriate techniques will be developed and assist the subject of training. The lecture and the regular discussion challenge are the main pillar of the training techniques in this program.

TrainerΚα. Αναστασία Καρατζιά

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Αναστασία Καρατζιά - Law Lecturer and Trainer, Expert in EU Law, Competition Law and Banking
After completing her PhD studies at the School of Law, University of Surrey, Anastasia was Assistant Professor in EU law at Erasmus University Rotterdam before joining Essex School of Law in 2017. She is a fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy since 2015. Anastasia's research focuses on two streams: Citizens' participation in European law and decision-making (with a focus on the European Citizens' Initiative), and financial/ banking law. Her doctoral thesis examined in depth the legal framew...
Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 300.00
  • € 136.00
  • € 57.00
  • € 164.00
  • € 195.16

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 300.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 57.00
  • € 300.00
  • € 357.00

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Δευτέρα - 22 Μαΐου 2023


17:00 - 19:00


Αναστασία Καρατζιά


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Τετάρτη - 24 Μαΐου 2023


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Τρίτη - 30 Μαΐου 2023


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