Navigating Immigration in Cyprus: A Comprehensive Guide for Third-Country Nationals and European Citizens

- Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

17 Οκτ 2024 15:00 17 Οκτ 2024 19:00
4 ώρες ( 1 ημέρα )
Navigating Immigration in Cyprus: A Comprehensive Guide for Third-Country Nationals and European Citizens


This seminar is an essential guide for navigating the complex landscape of immigration to the Republic of Cyprus, tailored for both third-country nationals and European citizens. Over the course of 4 hours, attendees will be introduced to the fundamental differences in immigration procedures for these two groups, with a clear focus on the practical aspects of obtaining residency and work permits.

From exploring the nuances between temporary and permanent permits, to understanding the specific pathways available through employment, investment, or family ties, this seminar promises to provide a comprehensive overview of the options available for those looking to make Cyprus their home or workplace. Whether you're seeking to understand the process of acquiring a yellow slip as a European citizen, or delving into the criteria for various third-country national permits, including Category F, Category 6(2), and Work Permit, this seminar is designed to equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the immigration process in Cyprus effectively.


  • To Understand the fundamental differences between third-country nationals and European citizens concerning immigration procedures and residency rights in the Republic of Cyprus.
  • To Examine the various permits and visas available to third-country nationals, including but not limited to Category F, Category 6(2) visas, Work Permits, and Visa E, and the specific criteria and procedures for obtaining them.
  • To Identify the process for European citizens to obtain a yellow slip, elucidating the necessary steps to secure residency rights within Cyprus.
  • To Develop a practical knowledge of the temporary and permanent permits available, understanding the distinctions and benefits of each to make informed decisions regarding residency and employment in Cyprus.
  • To Explore the detailed procedures involved in obtaining residency or work permits through different routes, such as employment, investment, or residence by family connections, and how these processes differ for third-country nationals versus European citizens.
  • To Overview the naturalization process in Cyprus, discussing the criteria for eligibility through years of residence or marriage to a Cypriot citizen, and what the process entails for applicants.
  • To Discuss the legal framework governing immigration in Cyprus, providing attendees with a comprehensive background to better understand the regulatory environment.
  • To Be Able To navigate the immigration process with confidence, armed with practical knowledge and insights into the necessary steps, required documents, and procedural nuances of applying for residency or work permits in Cyprus.


  • Lawyers
  • Advocates
  • Legal Advisors
  • Corporate administrators
  • Immigration Consultants
  • Professional in Corporate Governance
  • Business advisors



Module 1

Introduction: Difference between third country nationals and European citizens. Brief introduction of the different permits available for third country nationals and for European citizens.‍

Module 2

Third-Country Nationals Permits: Explaining the difference between a temporary permit and a permanent permit and describing the procedures of obtaining the available permits either through work or through residence/investment. The particular types of visas to be referred to shall be Category F, Category 6(2), Work Permit, Visa E‍

Module 3

European Citizens: Explaining the procedure to obtain a yellow slip.‍

Module 4

A short analysis of the naturalization procedure either by the years of residence or if married to a Cypriot.

Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Tereza Pendondgis - Partner at Kitromilidou, Psillidou & Co. LLC

Tereza graduated from the University of Warwick with an LL.B (Hons) degree in Law from where she subsequently obtained an LL.M in International Development Law andHuman Rights. She is a partner at Kitromilidou, Psillidou & Co LLC heading the departments of Property Law and Immigration. Her main areas of practice include property law and immigration, corporate and commercial law and family law. She is an accredited ADR GROUP CIVIL & COMMERCIAL MEDIATOR as well as a member of the Cyprus Bar Association, the Cyprus Register of Mediators for Civil Matters and the Cyprus Register of Mediators for Commercial Matters.

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου
  • € 100.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 19.00
  • € 100.00

Πέμπτη - 17 Οκτ 2024


15:00 - 19:00


Tereza Pendondgis


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