English Contract Drafting Skills (14 CPDs)

- Νομοθεσία, Νομική & Δικηγόροι

07 Μαρτίου 2024 16:00 18 Απρ 2024 18:00
14 ώρες ( 7 μέρες )
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English Contract Drafting Skills (14 CPDs)


This Seminar offers 15 verified CPD points by the Cyprus Bar Association.

The seminar is accredited by the Cambridge Law Studio. Cambridge Law Studio was established in 1999 and is the UK’s leading legal English training provider. They were proud to be the hosts of the innovative Legal English Event at the Law Society of England and Wales in London, which brought together contract drafting experts, AI in law experts and teachers of English for law for the very first time. They are accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Colleges. by completing this course you will receive a certificate from Cambridge Law Studio in the UK. 

Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association or other bodies in which you hold membership.


Aims of the seminar:

  • Clearly describe the basic clauses of a contract.

  • Describe the necessary conditions of a trade agreement.

  • To develop skills regarding the standard structure of commercial contracts and the basic terms.

  • To develop skills regarding the drafting of compensation clauses.

  • To develop skills related to the interpretation and writing of boilerplate clauses.

  • To develop skills regarding the handling of termination, breach and compensation clauses of an agreement.

  • To develop skills regarding the use of correct legal vocabulary.

  • Implement various dispute management strategies in trade agreements.

  • To develop skills for the proper drafting of a customer protection agreement.

  • Apply the techniques of drafting an agreement with ‘plain legal English’.

  • To develop skills related to the drafting of trade agreement terms (termination clauses, renewal, breach, compensation and other agreement termination clauses and risk mitigation).

Why this seminar is important for you?

  • You will improve and hone your skills in drafting legal documents and contracts in English to better protect your clients and produce effective work.

  • It will enhance your understanding of the overall structure, the purpose of the key provisions of the contract and the effect that amendments can have.

  • The course will be interactive, based on realistic case studies and incorporating specific drafting suggestions and precedents.

  • The course also encourages you to develop your drafting skills in context, to enable you to confidently produce more effective and robust contracts for your clients.

  • The seminar teaches the basic skills of writing clear documents and conventions, explaining essential legal vocabulary and phrases, including Latin and Old Norman French.  Delegates will be given various sample contracts and specimen clauses.

  • This seminar is practical and is taught by highly experienced lawyer experts in contract law.


  • Lawyers
  • Advocates
  • Legal advisors


Course Content

MODULE 1: Writing obligations in a contract

  • Introduction of the course and explanation of organization and obligations
  • Trainer introduction
  • Student introduction
  • Introduction to parts of a contract
  • Introduction – factual and interpretation clauses
  • Operative Clauses
  • Boilerplate clauses
  • Annexes and schedules
  • How to ensure that your document is adequately customized to the situation and does not look like a copy-pasted version from another document?
  • Essential elements of a contract
  • Must haves in a commercial contract
  • Should have in professional and commercial contracts
  • Useful to have in professional and commercial contracts
  • Do not use in professional commercial contracts
  • Main body of the contract
  • Endings and signature blocks
  • Contract drafting checklist

MODULE 2: The contract drafting ‘rules’

  • How to order and write information in the clause
  • Rules of contract drafting
  • Simplicity and plain English language – making contracts easy to understand
  • Writing with the worst in mind
  • Not using provisos
  • Clarity
  • Interpretation
  • Punctuation in contracts
  • Parallel phrasing and non-parallel phrasing

MODULE 3: Operative Clauses of a contract

  • Representations and Warranties Clauses
  • Using warranties and representations
  • How to draft representations and warranties clauses
  • Consequences of false representations and warranties
  • Covenants, guarantee and indemnities
  • Condition’s precedent, conditions subsequent and completion
  • How to draft payment related clauses and increment clauses
  • Clauses reflecting consideration

MODULE 4: Term and termination of the contract

  • Term and termination
  • Conditions precedent
  • Conditions subsequent
  • Termination on expiry of term, for convenience, for change of control, death or disability termination for cause
  • Material adverse change clauses
  • Other termination clauses
  • Termination for insolvency
  • Renewal by mutual agreement, renewal by notice of one party, automatic renewal
  • Survival clauses.

MODULE 5: How to draft risk mitigation clauses and boilerplate clauses

  • Confidentiality clauses/ Drafting non-disclosure agreements
  • Non-compete clauses
  • Non solicit clauses
  • Exclusivity clauses
  • Assignment/anti assignment clauses
  • Waiver, variation and severability clauses
  • Indemnity and limitation of liability clauses
  • Indemnity arising from breach of representation or warranty
  • Indemnification against the effects of a party’s own defaults
  • Pointers for drafting an effective indemnity clause
  • Indemnity vs. Guarantee

Module 6: Notice and communication clauses

  • Different types of notices
  • Key points to consider when drafting a notice clause
  • When is notice considered delivered
  • Consequence of erroneous drafting of notice clauses.
  • Module Governing law, jurisdiction, dispute resolution and arbitration
  • Specifying governing law
  • Arbitration clauses and drafting effective arbitration clauses

Module 7: Contract breach and execution

  • Breach of representations and warranties
  • Breach of covenants
  • Any other breach
  • Remedies for breach, rescission, specific performance, injunction
  • Types of damages – compensatory, punitive, nominal, liquidated damages,
  • Things to keep in mind when drafting clauses related to breach
  • The difference between breach and indemnity claim
  • Execution of contracts – legal requirements for validity and enforcement
  • Registration, attestation, notarization, apostille
Πληροφορίες Εκπαιδευτή
Ανδρούλλα Πουτζιουρή - Founder | Director | Lecturer at ELTC

Mrs. Androulla Poutziouri is a qualified Advocate and a Member of the Cyprus Bar Association. Mrs. Poutziouri obtained a double LLB Law degree in English and French Law from Paris II Panthéon-Assas University and the University of Birmingham. She then proceeded to obtain an LLM Degree in International Legal Practice from the University of Law in the UK. Mrs. Poutziouri successfully completed the Cyprus Bar Examinations and was admitted as an Advocate (δικηγόρος) of the Cyprus Bar Association in 2010. She is bilingual in Greek and English (native), with working proficiency in French. 

Mrs. Poutziouri trained as an Advocate at the office of the Attorney General of Cyprus. Upon qualifying, Mrs. Poutziouri worked for various prominent law firms both in Nicosia and Larnaca and was actively involved in litigation, advocacy, negotiation, mediation, dispute resolution and commercial matters where she represented clients and appeared at the District and Supreme Courts of Cyprus. During her legal career, Mrs. Poutziouri has acted both for and against various financial institutions from time to time and was involved in large-scale multi-million Euro real estate transactions. In addition to her professional experience as an Advocate, Mrs. Poutziouri also entered academia as a Lecturer in Law. 

Mrs. Poutziouri brings with her over 10 years of academic legal experience, having taught the LLB Law Degree of the University of Wales and the University of the West of England. Mrs. Poutziouri was also a director and the sole lecturer at the only recognized teaching centre of the University of London in Cyprus, The Private Institute of Law, which provided coaching and tutoring for students registered on LLB (HONS) Law Degree of the University of London. Upon moving to the European Legal Training Center, Androulla has brought with her the wealth of experience in coaching and advising students completing the degree of the University of London. She has actively advised and guided law students and legal executives in all aspects of their legal education, development and career progression.

She is particularly strong in the areas of Public Law, Contract Law, Property Law, Wills & Probate, Equity and Trusts, the English Legal System, Labour Law, Advocates Law and Codes of Conduct, Jurisprudence and was recently accredited by the Human Resource and Development Agency (HRDA) in Cyprus as an ‘Expert in the field of Law’. 

Due to her extensive experience in legal education, Mrs. Poutziouri has also been accredited by leading legal qualifications providers in the UK including the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx), the National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP), The British Legal Center and TOLES, the leading provider of English Exams for International Lawyers & Law Students.

Mrs. Poutziouri is a co-founder and director of the European Legal Training Center and brings with her a wealth of practical and academic experience, providing academic direction, education and high-quality legal training to law students, graduates, trainees, Advocates, executives and other professionals. 

Αναλυτικό Κόστος Σεμιναρίου

Για Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 400.00
  • € 280.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 120.00

Για μη-Δικαιούχους ΑνΑΔ

  • € 400.00
  • € 0.00
  • € 76.00
  • € 400.00

Πέμπτη - 07 Μαρτίου 2024


16:00 - 18:00


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Πέμπτη - 14 Μαρτίου 2024


16:00 - 18:00


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Πέμπτη - 21 Μαρτίου 2024


16:00 - 18:00


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Πέμπτη - 28 Μαρτίου 2024


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Πέμπτη - 04 Απρ 2024


16:00 - 18:00


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Πέμπτη - 11 Απρ 2024


16:00 - 18:00


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Πέμπτη - 18 Απρ 2024


16:00 - 18:00


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